1.3 million women around the globe enter menopause each year, and many approach "the change" fearing it will have a negative effect on their sex lives.
U.S. women live on average 81 years and menopause starts typically at age 51. That's 30 years of post-menopausal living.
We challenged some of the most common myths around sex and menopause, and asked 1,000 U.S. self-identified women aged 40+ to give us the lowdown on their sex lives.
We wanted to know what really happens to women's sex lives and libido before, during, and after menopause, to help women prepare better and to ensure a continued happy, and healthy sex life. Our findings challenge stereotypes about the sexuality of women in midlife and beyond, and have the power to shake up the status quo.
The common assumption is that menopausal women no longer want sex, but our survey has revealed THEY DO! 17% of them noticed a drop in libido, but they still want and deserve a happy and healthy sex life.
While it takes 42% of women longer to orgasm, they still can climax, it just takes a little effort and the right products! With the right education, resources, and products around sex and menopause, women can maintain a great sex life.
We believe that people should have access to healthy, ethically made products that support their sexual journey. We recognize that people going through menopause lack the support they need during their change, and often don’t feel seen by people in the health and wellness industries.
We are going to change the status quo.
30% of respondents said fatigue had the biggest impact on their sex lives, followed closely by a lower sex drive (29%), mood changes (29%), vaginal dryness, and change in vaginal tone.
Can masturbation help with these symptoms?
Renowned German gynecologist Dr. Elena Maria Leineweber says:
Daily masturbation increases vaginal blood flow and therefore reduces vaginal dryness, atrophy, and painful intercourse in 30 days. Orgasm can also effectively lower menopausal mood swings and sleep problems.
While we may experience more vaginal dryness and tiredness—lots of tiredness—our libido does not plummet, as the myths may tell us.

In fact, 35% of all women aged 40+ say their libido has increased as they have approached or experienced menopause. Another 41% say there has been no change in their libido, and only 17% have experienced a decrease.
And what about after menopause? 27% of post-menopausal women notice a decrease in libido, but 17% see an increase and 47% witness no change.

What happens to Women's sex lives before, during and after menopause?
The largest share of women in the 40+ group —42%— say it now takes them longer to climax than it did in their younger years. That said, not all sex needs to include an orgasm to be pleasurable.
Believe it or not, 40% of all women aged 40 and over say their sex life has improved as they have approached or experienced menopause. Only 12% said it worsened.
What about partnered sex?
51% of perimenopausal and 52% of post-menopausal women say they've seen no change in their sex lives with their partners since approaching or experiencing menopause.
What happens to women in the midst of menopause? 17% notice an improvement in sex with their partner, 18% notice it worsening, and the rest notice no change at all. So, women are just as likely to experience more sexual satisfaction with their partners as less satisfaction. That old canard that women don’t enjoy sex after their youth is pure myth.

Society tends to focus on the negatives of menopause, like hot flashes and mood swings. We wanted to know about the positives that menopausal women experience to help prepare the next generations better.
The top 5 positives of menopause, as expressed by women who are going or who have gone through it, are:
- No more periods (44%)
- No more pregnancy scares (37%)
- Better sex (28%)
- Emotional maturity (27%)
- More sexually adventurous (26%)
How can orgasming help?
The top three symptoms that women say improved because of orgasms, whether solo or with a partner, are:
- Mood Swings
- Vaginal Dryness
- Sleep problems
More sexually progressive generations invest in their pleasure, and with sexually confident millennials on the verge of perimenopause, the trend is surely only going to grow.
No matter what symptoms women experience, whether they’re having the best sex of their lives or noticing a dip in libido, there are plenty of ways to ensure a happy and healthy sex life.
Lubricants, salves, and vibrators can have a really FUN and positive impact on women's sex lives.
Introducing the new MenopauSEX line, a collaboration between ourselves and vulvovaginal care experts Momotaro Apotheca that supports a happy and healthy sexual journey.