Since its earliest days, FUN FACTORY’s been raising the bar for the pleasure industry: They’ve been using medical-grade silicone since day one. They cast their whimsical, non-phallic, queer-friendly designs in bright colors and promote them with an inclusive, joyful spirit. If these practices don’t seem unusual to you, it’s only because the industry’s just started to catch up with FUN FACTORY. When they started, in 1996, I promise that things were very different!

Their accomplishments go beyond color and materials—the brand is constantly thinking of ways to make sex toys safe and empowering. They’ve innovated long-lasting vibrators; comfy, approachable butt plugs; and magnetic charging, among other things. My first-ever silicone toy was one of theirs! Their consistent quality and commitment to progress are why they’re one of my most-used brands.

So, when I was invited to tour the factory with a group of sex educators and shop owners, I jumped at the chance. They flew me from Portland to Bremen, Germany and put me up in a gorgeous hotel with a view of the Weser River. There was even a hotel cat named Leo, which made me feel right at home. Every hotel should have a cat!

I’m not sure what the words “vibrator factory” conjure for most people, but it’s probably not this. From the outside, the building looks like any other—the only hint that sexy stuff happens inside is the illustrations of sex toys that adorn the outer wall.

The factory spans 140,000 square feet, with areas for management, production, product development, storage, and shipping. There’s even a cafeteria where employees can eat meals or buy them at a reduced price.

As plain as FUN FACTORY might look from the outside, on the inside, it’s a different story. There’s a giant inflatable PATCHY PAUL in the lobby and sculptures made from silicone scraps and recycled toys. Natural light streams in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Overall, the atmosphere is cheerful and modern.

The factory is a workplace, obviously, but it’s also lots of fun. Like, they have a statue holding AMORINO like a bow and arrow, and red bean bag chairs to match the color of the logo. Obviously, there’s also a custom table for racing the self-thrusting STRONIC toys! (Sadly, I didn’t win the race.)

The equipment in the factory is unlike anything else I’ve seen, because FUN FACTORY engineers its own proprietary machinery. At the same time, they do a lot the old-fashioned way. I spotted factory workers snapping control panels into place, gluing handles to toys, and taking kegel balls out of their molds. There are about 85 workers at the factory, and exactly no assembly lines. Yes, they have custom machinery, but they still do a lot by hand.

A highlight of the tour, for me, was getting to pour my own dildo. It was easy at first: I just pressed a button to squirt silicone into a mold. The hard part (pun intended) came after the toy firmed up. It was surprisingly difficult to remove from the mold, but I ultimately triumphed.

Unlike me, FUN FACTORY workers are extremely well-practiced in toy-making, creating about 3,000 toys a day—although their output can be twice that if demand is high. Throughout the tour, I marveled at all the thoughtful, personal effort that went into making the 40-plus FUN FACTORY toys that I own. One person hand-glues the toy, another packs it in all-recyclable packaging, and another ships it off to fly over the Atlantic Ocean and into my vagina. What a marvelous thing!

By the time I was packing my bags for my return flight, I had a new appreciation for why FUN FACTORY talks up its German headquarters. Having seen the place myself, I can tell you that their commitment to their mission—and to safety, eco-friendliness, and quality—is visible absolutely everywhere.

I just wish I could’ve brought the beer and bratwurst with me!


Epiphora has a very discerning vagina. With a sex toy collection that clocks in at over 900, she has been testing and reviewing sex toys on her popular blog, Hey Epiphora, for over a decade. Highly trusted and well-known for her snarky yet authentic style, Epiphora is famous for her relentlessly honest sex toy reviews. Many loyal readers entrust their future orgasms to her, and she does not take that honor lightly.

This post was written by a guest blogger, and all opinions and ideas expressed are that of the author. All ideas included are for educational and entertainment value, and do not constitute medical advice.

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